Biobibliographic retrospective handbook of the regional character “Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky: two sides of the same fate” is dedicated to the outstanding surgeon and leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, St. Luke (1877-1961). The multimedia bibliographic guide displays the most significant journal articles, books about life, medical practice, monastic and episcopal ministry of St. Luke, as well as unique photos, paintings and sketches by V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky.
The structure of the handbook contains several sections: Biographical Sketch, Main Dates of Life, Articles, Books, Photos, Sketches and Pictures, The Index of Names, The Index of Works, Movies.
The Biographical Sketch provides brief biographical information on the most important events in the life of St. Luke. The section “Main Dates of Life” contains a list of the main events and the most important dates from the great surgeon’s life in chronological order.

The handbook includes more than 50 articles and books in Russian. Indexed sources are provided with a bibliographic description, reference annotation, and the publication image. Bibliographic descriptions correspond to the GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and drafting rules”. The abbreviations are given according to the GOST R 7.0.12-2011 “Bibliographic record. Abbreviations of words and phrases in Russian. "
Publications presented in the handbook were printed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Simferopol. All sources are in Russian and in alphabetical order. The chronology of the publications is from 1913 to 2017.
The photo gallery displays the most important moments in the biography of V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky and his family. Sketches and paintings written by Valentin Feliksovich himself open up another facet in the talent of the great surgeon who wished to become an artist in childhood. The exposition is organically complemented with drawings by the Krasnoyarsk artist I. N. Vilchevsky (1957), the author of the paintings cycle “St. Luke on the Yenisei”. The musical accompaniment (P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons") gives a special mood while viewing the sections of the handbook.
The auxiliary unit of the biobibliographic handbook consists of the “The Index of Names” and the “The Index of Works”. “The Index of Names” includes the list of authors of the articles and publications, displayed in the manual. “The Index of Works” is a list of work titles in alphabetical order.
A feature of the electronic manual is the ability to view the full texts of articles, both from the "Articles" section, and through the auxiliary index device.
Biobibliographic handbook “Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky: two sides of the same fate” is dedicated to two significant dates: the 140th birth anniversary of St. Luke and the 75th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky.
This biobibliographic handbook will be useful to students, teachers, and also readers interested in the personality of V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky in the context of historical events in Russia.